September 2023
1 Week

Online commerce platform where users can purchase event tickets and meet new friends.

User research & User interface design

Project Type
Individual student project at Springboard


Problem Statement

A startup company launched a product that helps people meet new friends. The goal of the application is to help users step out of their comfort zone and meet new people while doing in-person activities.

The business team has discovered that on average, only 20% of people who say they are going, actually attend the event. They believe that users may not be getting effective communication about upcoming events, as well as, users needing an incentive to attend events.

Competitive Analysis

When looking at the competition, we found three companies that closely operate similarly to ComfortConnect. The three companies are MeetUp, Groupon, and EventBrite. We took a look at their website statistics such as traffic and bounce rates. We also created a small SWOT Analysis on these competitors to get a better idea of these companies and how they compare to ComfortConnect.

Image Description

Website Statistics

  • 19.8 million page visits last month
  • 36.03% bounce rate
  • 6.80 pages per visit
  • 00:04:46 Average visit duration
  • 47.09% Female
  • 52.91% Male


  • Growing application, experienced a 9.61% increase in traffic last month.
  • There is a 36% bounce rate after looking at one page of the website.
  • On average, a user will visit 6.80 pages per visit to the website.
  • Large and diverse user base from all over the world.
  • Both the website and application are user-friendly.
  • Niche-focused events and groups.
  • Has event organizers that help plan and organize the event.
  • 60% of users came from the United States, other 40% were from other countries.


  • 51-200 employees, smaller compared to other companies.
  • Somewhat a dependence on organizers, where they do most of the planning.
  • No community input (reviews).


  • Virtual meetups and events.
  • There are career and hobby-related meetups.


  • Small, growing company.
  • Organizers might have too much power.
Image Description

Website Statistics

  • 27.7 million page visits last month
  • 48.32% bounce rate
  • 4.08 pages per visit
  • 00:03:19 Average visit duration
  • 54.07% Female
  • 45.93% Male


  • Strong brand recognition.
  • Has a community feature (reviews and ratings).
  • Diverse user base.
  • Vast variety of activities and events.
  • Monetary incentive via discount.
  • There was an increase of 6.31% in traffic last month.


  • Competitions such as Meetup.
  • Boring UI for users.
  • Mostly discounts for activities and events.
  • 90% of users came from the United States.


  • There could be a loyalty program.
  • Partnerships with other organizations and businesses.


  • Many other competitors in the market.
  • Changing prices could affect the brand image.
Image Description

Website Statistics

  • 52.8 million page visits last month
  • 58.01% bounce rate
  • 2.72 pages per visit
  • 00:02:14 Average visit duration
  • 51.39% Female
  • 48.61% Male


  • UI is simple and can be easily navigated.
  • Strong brand recognition.
  • Niche-focused events and groups.
  • Has event organizers that help plan and organize the event.
  • Big company with 500-1000 employees.


  • Decreased 3.15% in traffic last month.
  • High bounce rate and about 2.72 pages per visit.


  • Partnerships with other organizations and businesses.
  • Virtual meetups and events.
  • There are career and hobby-related meetups.


  • Other competitors in the market.
  • Shows decrease in traffic last month (summer).


We interviewed 5 participants

The interviews were divided into 3 sections:


We aimed to see how people made friends and if social anxiety affected how they made friends.​


We recently came out of a pandemic and we wanted to see how it has affected people's social skills. Not only the social skills but if their willingness to attend events.

Other Questions

These questions relate to events and what type of events and activities that the interviewees like. This is to get an understanding of what activities people like and if monetary prizes will influence them to do something. ​

Pandemic Affect Social Skills

For most of the participants, they described how the pandemic affected their communication skills.

Group Settings Help Socialize

Some partiicpants perfer being in a group setting when meeting new people.

Friends Invite to Events

Usually friends invite participants to events or other activities.

Monetary Value Motivation

Many participants are willing to accept monetary value to attend events and activities.

Making Friends in Person

Most of the participants perfer making friends in person and getting to know them through mutuals.

Meeting New People

Most participants met new friends when going out or traveling.



User Flow

After the interviews and creating personas, we create user flows. These user flows will give us a visual of how users will navigate throughout the application. We created 4 user flows.

  • Attending an event
  • Look at weekly/monthly goals and incentives
  • Verifying attendance
  • Practice Socializing

Low Fidelity Wireframes

After creating the user flows, we start working on the low fidelity wireframes. These low fidelity wireframes are simple but act as a foundation for the overall application. With low fidelity wireframes, we are able to see where images and text would be.

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3
Image 4 Image 4

High Fidelity Mockup

After creating the low fidelity wireframes, we use the UI Kit that we created to make modifications and add color, text, and images.

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3
Image 4 Image 5

User Testing

After the low-fidelity wireframes, we ran another user test with 5 users to see if there were any changes we should make. In these user tests, we received feedback on features and how we could improve them. These are some of the most important feedback that we have received.

Final Touches

Attending an Event

  • Vast number of events based off interests and geolocation.
  • Easy user interface to help streamline process.
  • Verification system to ensure users are attending events.

Checking goals and progress

  • ThriveTracker is a personal progress bar that displays the users' progress.
  • Monetary incentives to help users accomplish goals.
  • Constantly updated goals and incentives.

Improving Social Skills

Another objective of this application was to include features to improve social skills. We have included a section named, "A Better You" which offers a variety of media such as blogs, articles, and videos that help with social skills and overcoming social anxiety. The large community and groups also encourage stepping out your comfort zone and meeting new people.

Reflections and Takeaways

Next Steps

  • Improve communication for upcoming events with maybe pop up notifications or alerts.
  • Add more in-depth description for the events.
  • Maybe add a page where users can answer some questions about the event to see if they would actually enjoy it.


  • Perfection isn't always attainable within the constraints of time and deadlines.
  • If we become too fixated on refining a particular feature or aspect, we risk missing the overall project deadline, which could disrupt the entire design process.
  • The necessity of always keeping our business objectives at the forefront of our efforts.
  • Ultimately, our goal was not only to create a product that consumers would enjoy but also to develop a product capable of generating substantial revenue for the company.
